ictinfoblog.com Free access to information: HOW TO MAKE ONLINE MONEY WHERE PAYPAL IS NOT ALLOWED

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I was searching through the internet and I stumbled upon FIVERR and I was happy to see online and monet making opportunites, there you could hire services and your services could be hired but for 5 dollar, pretty good! but my joy was shortlived when I nooticed that PAYPAL is the only means of payment, and I said to myself what about countries where paypal transactions has been delimited? then I was livid with anger because I saw wonderful services I needed to move my online business a step forward and there are opportunites to smile to the bank especially if you are versertile in your NICHE.
Around March I came accross this other look alike site of FIVERR the site is 1KONLINEJOBS
and I know this is the place to be and I registered right away since they allowed for bank payment for their transactions and I would want to suggest Liberty Reserve as well for the site owner. you can hire a service or your services could be hired for 1000 naira NIGERIAN money.
are you an expert in your field? are you a guru? and have you been looking for a way to display and market your talents, skills, hobbies, market? then IKJOBSONLINE is a place to be, go there and get registered and explore their services by clicking on this IMAGE